Leave your last message for loved ones, to be shared only after your passing.

Have you ever wanted to say something but never found the right time? Final Goodbye lets you leave final messages, thoughts, or instructions that will be shared only when it's time—after we receive confirmation of your passing. Whether it’s a heartfelt goodbye, private instructions, or a personal reflection, your message will be delivered as you intended.

USA Deaths Per Year


1 in

in the United States pass away annually based on 2022 statistics.


1 in

from ​Sudden Unexpected Deaths (SUD) Among Adults Aged 20–64


1 in

from Unintentional deaths including Motor Vehicle, Falls, Poisonings 


1 in

from Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrests Deaths Resulting in Death

Source: cdc.gov, pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov, en.wikipedia.org, sca-aware.org